National $60M Freight Transport and Logistics Provider
Major Transport Depots and Warehouses in all capital cities, 150 staff + subcontractors.
- Separated transport and warehousing into 2 business units, with their own profit and loss reporting for focused strategy and management
- Improved accuracy of weekly profit measurement and provided review/analysis of drivers of financial performance to management team
- Improved budgeting process to ensure meaningful and realistic targets across the business
- Assisted in pricing and costing for tenders and rate adjustments
- Strengthened the leadership team and fostered a spirit of collaboration
- Instituted weekly management meetings with all department heads with full financial transparency and training
- Developed strong accountability through all levels
- Developed strong accountability through all levels
- Implemented monthly Advisory Board meetings, quarterly strategy reviews and update sessions
- Targeted and customised growth strategies by branches and separately for business units
- Simplified business model focusing on growing Gross Profit and minimising unprofitable customers
- Standardised Sales Department, Sales Management, formal sales processes, CRM implementation
- Implemented rebranding of the business, new website, use of videos and LinkedIn
- Introduced productivity KPIs across the business, utilisation, load factor, and performance incentives
- Commenced fleet renewal program
- Overcame major lost pallet problem with enhanced processes and strict disciplined daily control
- DIFOT to industry leading service level
- Filled gaps in services across the country
- Ongoing inhouse Software Development and implementation
- IndustryTransport and Logistics
- LocationNational Business
- ACT Business SizeMajor Transport Depots and Warehouses in all capital cities, 150 staff + subcontractors.
Our Impact
- 80% GP Improvement
- 300% Higher NP
- Strong Cashflow Generation
- 600% ROI from SME fees
More Businesses Transformed
Explore Our Services
We strategise and implement end-to-end business support for your management team and back-office,
enabling your business to be under control and grow fast.